Sripath Mishra

About Me

A Master's student in Computer Science at University of California, Los Angeles, USA. A person who loves to learn new things no matter what the subject is. I never trust a theory before analyzing and applying it in real life (if applicable). I believe in hard work, perfection and I strive hard to achieve them even if the work is easy. A swimmer, tennis player, and avid reader. If I were to be asked to describe myself in one word, it would be VERSATILE.

My motto is "Never stop improving and learning." With this, I plunged into the waters of Computer science. To learn and create new things.

  • CV
  • Github
  • Research

    Scalable Analytics Institute, University of California, Los Angeles :

    Developing a GNN model to predict bug location in python Github projects using python code ast and text data from GitHub issues.

    Continuous Analysis of Many Cameras, Purdue University :

    Our aim was in centralizing and allowing access to a database containing camera feeds around the globe. My team has completed working on an REST API to allow access to the Database. In addition to that we have created a client in python which allows successful interaction with the API. We created scripts to check the health and accuracy of the camera feed. After this we shifted our focus towards experiments to create a generalized solution to classify if a web page contains camera data and if it does, we extracted the information of the camera and add to it our database. We also created an image database which will allow the user to search for camera feed for objects in near real time.

    Aditya Chakraborty, Akshay Pawar, Hojoung Jang, Shunqiao Huang, Sripath Mishra, Shuo-Han Chen, Yuan-Hao Chang, George K. Thiruvathukal and Yung-Hsiang Lu, “A Real-Time Feature Indexing System on Live Video Streams,” 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Madrid, Spain, 2020.

    Dailey, R., Chawla, A., Liu, A., Mishra, S., Zhang, L., Majors, J., Lu, Y.-H., & Thiruvathukal, G. K. (2021, March 23). Automated Discovery of Real-Time Network Camera Data From Heterogeneous Web Pages.


    Course projects

    • Name : A Survey of Graph Neural Networks for Programming Languages
      Description: Research at the intersection of Programming Languages, Deep Learning and Graph Neural Networks has been rapidly evolving over the past few years. Deep Learning and Graph Neural Network techniques has shown tremendous progress and potential across a variety of sub domains in Programming Languages. Our goal with this paper is to survey the rise of Neural techniques and the integration and use of Graph Neural Networks in these techniques, spanning some interesting subdomains. We also point the users towards a common benchmark across Programming Languages and NLP and present ideas on generalized representation learning of Code using GNNs.
    • Name : Dynamic GNN for forecasting COVID-19 pandemic spread in United states
      Description: Our objective is to design a dynamic graph neural network which fore-casts the Covid-19 pandemic spread inside the United States. We will approach this problem by building a graphG= (V,E) where the set V contains nodes representing places (e.g. cities, counties, states) while the set E contains edges representing relationships between the nodes. These relationships static or dynamic. Static edges could be defined an edge between city and county that the city is part of or two counties that share borders. Dynamic edges could be defined by time dependent data like human mobility between two states. The space and time dependent nature of a pandemic requires us to capture the temporal and spatial features that contributes to the spread. We need to come up with a model than can reconcile these spatial and temporal features to forecast the count of infections at each granularity levels(cities, counties, states). Dynamic graph neural networks are explored as a possible approach to make these forecasts.
    • Name : Fiesta
      Description: Fiesta is a web app. Organizing a party is not a simple task and takes a lot of planning. Everyone the host invites would inevitably bring gifts to the party, but the host will have to give away the gift if it is a duplicate or it is something they don’t want to use. As a solution to this problem and to streamline the party hosting process, Fiesta would make the process of planning a party easier. With features like creating a guest list, sending invites, finding a place to host the party, catering services depending on the type of party it is and the host’s budget, Fiesta aims to make your celebration unique. Fiesta allows the host to make an Amazon Wishlist and share it with everyone invited. Invited guests can decide what to gift from the wish list, they can RSVP through the web app and get directions to the party location. Hence Fiesta is a one-stop party app.
    • Name : Carnet
      Description: Carnet is a web app. Carnet makes it easy to create notes and organize them into notebooks. Notes can also be sorted with custom tags, which is a great way to pull up all your "study notes" or "recipes" with a couple of clicks of the mouse. We have been studying and applying the best user experience in our work.
    • Name : Food search
      Description: It is a website which allows the user to search for new recipes for cooking, along with that it allows the user to enter the items and the server will provide a list of recipes which can be made with those recipes. It allows the user to calculate the amount of 30 different types of nutrition. This would allow the user to try new and healthier food items. If the user does not have the ingredients. then the user has the option to have them added to a day They can view the aggregate amounts of consumptions of different ingredients and some suggestions related to their diets. The list of recipes will be self-updating allowing the user to view new and upcoming recipes Technologies used for this project: - Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Vue’s and other visual libraries for designing the web UI. JavaScript, jQuery and other APIs for the implementation of client and server-based codes. +Node for server deployment on Heroku app and GitHub for hosting the site.
    • Name : Foil maker
      Description: Foil maker is a game played between 2 or more people. The game flows as a question is given to all the players and each of them suggest a possible answer (but not the correct one). The computer shuffles all the answers and adds them along with the correct answer to the list of choices. This list is presented to all the players and their options are taken. The result is calculated upon the number of players one is successful in fooling and for getting the correct answer. Server - it is the main controller which controls the flow of game. it implements threads and hence a new object is created for each new player. The input method does the main task of reading computing and presenting the result. All the player's ids are stored in two array lists for ensuring concurrency. Client - it is the part of code which every player has while playing. It follows MVC format in which every java code has its own model, view and controller. Model is implemented by the method call; view is defined in the constructor and the controller is given to call1 method.
    • Name : Shell project
      Description: Made for CS 252 systems programing. It allows the fuse with the following features in this shell, Process Creation, Command Execution, File Redirection, Pipes, Background, Ignore Ctrl-C, Wild Card Expansion, Elimination of Zombie Processes, Allow quotes and escape characters, environment variable expansion, Tilde expansion, Line editor, History, Subshells, Cd, setenv, unsetenv, printenv, exit and clear.

    Personal projects

    • Name : Timber
      Description: Timber is an android music playing app which allows music from the device’s native library, streaming music from SoundCloud, YouTube and Last FM. The app uses voice to text api to search for music and create playlists. It also uses Microsoft’s face api to create playlists according to the mood. The app is highly customizable as it allows changing of background color, text color, etc. It also allows listing the local radio stations.
    • Name : We care for you
      Description: An android app which keeps all your medical records and insurance handy and safe. The app prevents filling up of long forms. It uses Microsoft Face Api to digitally transfer your information and act as a security lock by allowing the access to the user who has set up the app on the current device. Real time updating prevents going to the hospital for report collection and provides information of doctors near you with contact details and navigation to reach there. Even if the electronic device is compromised the data will remain safe in the server.
    • Name : Sripath-Mishra
      Description: This is Personal website for me. It uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Name : My anime
      Description: My anime is an android app which allows the user to view details about animated tv shows.



    • Best sophomore award in Cs department at Purdue University 2018.
    • Trophy for achieving highest marks in Computer Science in twelfth Board 2016.
    • First prize in “Interhouse Science Model Competition” 2015.
    • First prize in “School Math Quiz” 2015.
    • Trophy in “Interschool Cyberbuzz Coding Competition” 2014.
    • Trophy for achieving highest marks in Computer Application in Tenth Board 2014.
    • Trophy in "School Mathematics Competition”2014.
    • First prize in “School Science Model Making Competition” 2014.
    • Gold at the “School Java Coding Competition” 2013.


    • Silver medal in 10x4 relay running in “School Athletics Meet” 2014.
    • Gold in 50 m butterfly stroke swimming in “Quadro Mania Swim Meet” (Interschool Competition) 2014.
    • Gold in 50m freestyle swimming in “Quadro Mania Swim Meet” (Interschool Competition) 2014.
    • Gold in 50 m backstroke swimming in “Quadro Mania Swim Meet” (Interschool Competition) 2014.
    • Silver in 200 m backstroke swimming in “Quadro Mania Swim Meet” (Interschool Competition) 2014.
    • Bronze in 800 meters free style swimming in “Quadro Mania Swim Meet” (Interschool Competition) 2014.
    • Runner up trophy at the “Gurgaon Valley School Tennis Tournament” U-14 boys 2013.
    • Runner up trophy at the “Ryder’s Sports Academy Tennis Competition” U-12 boys 2013.
    • Bronze medal at the “School Level Athletics Meet”, running (200 meters) 2012.
    • Silver medal at the “School Level Athletics Meet”, running (200 meters relay) 2012.
    • Medal at the “School Tennis” U-12 boys 2012.
    • Medal at the “School Tennis” U-14 boys 2012.
    • Medal at the “School Tennis” U-16 boys 2012.
    • Medal and a trophy (runners up) at the “School Tennis” U-12 boy’s double 2012.
    • Bronze medal at the “School Athletics Meet” in 100 meters Sprint 2011.
    • Bronze medal at the “School Athletics Meet” in 200 meters Sprint 2011.
    • Bronze medal at the “District Level” for backstroke swimming (100m) 2011.
    • Bronze medal at the “School Athletics Meet” in 200 meters relay 2011.
    • Runner up trophy at the “Fire Tennis Academy Tennis Competition” U-12 boys 2011.
    • Captained the athletics team in “Pathways World School Interschool Athletic Meet” 2011.
    • Runner up trophy at the “Fire Tennis Academy Tennis Competition” U-14 boys 2010.


    Please feel free to contact me.